
'67 Ampeg 15" flip top
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Author:  Rodent [ April 6th, 2008, 9:21 am ]
Post subject:  '67 Ampeg 15" flip top

I need to recone/replace the speaker in my well worn baby. I'm tossing around the idea of simply replacing the original(?) speaker with something similar.


I don't gig out with this amp, and it occasionally sees some studio action. Primarily, though, it's one of a few reference amps I keep for clients who want to test drive a bass to fine tune their wood and pickup preferences

Any recommendations on a speaker or reconing service?

and yes, that is the original dolly you see the wheels of 8-) I think I did well when I purchased this for $100 about 10 years ago

all the best,


Author:  Psycho Ward [ May 14th, 2008, 10:29 am ]
Post subject:  Re: '67 Ampeg 15" flip top

Jess Oliver will recone it for you or Eminence Delta Lite's will fit and allow the flipping of the top. The Delta's sound great in my B15R.

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