
Attn: Audere Jazz Plate Owners! I have a question...
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Author:  jc575 [ December 26th, 2009, 8:01 pm ]
Post subject:  Attn: Audere Jazz Plate Owners! I have a question...

I'm looking into picking up an Audere JZ6D (jazz plate), but I have a question. Does anyone know if the pots can be rewired for us lefties? (for example; clockwise to cut, and counterclockwise to raise).

Any help would be appreciated!


Author:  jordie65 [ December 27th, 2009, 6:54 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Attn: Audere Jazz Plate Owners! I have a question...

i believe it is possible with a little bit of simple soldering..though i never bothered with mine. there is a lot going on under that control plate and while im pretty comfortable with electronics it doesnt bother me having my controls turn "backwards"

after that ramble i suggest contacting audere about it. they will send you some pretty clear instructions on how to do this mod

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