
Work Song - Kevin Coleman Blues Band
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Author:  fivebass52 [ May 17th, 2010, 3:03 am ]
Post subject:  Work Song - Kevin Coleman Blues Band

A harmonica buddy contacted me and some other musicians, we threw a band together, rehearsed a couple of times, and played a local Blues Fest this past weekend at a downtown restaurant in Honolulu along with three other bands. We all had a great time, and were very pleased that close to one hundred people showed up to enjoy good music, good catered southern-style soul food, and dance and party!

Earlier that morning, we went on a weekly Saturday morning radio show called "Perry & Price" to promote the Blues Fest, and play a couple of songs that were broadcast over KSSK radio. We did an old classic called "Help Me", and rocked out on the great old Paul Butterfield song "Work Song". The Harp player got a little nervous towards the end, and shortened the ending, but it still came out well.

this was "filmed" with the relatively new Zoom Q3 video recorder, and it did a decent job. I had it set to "Low Mic Gain" so it wouldn't compress the sound on the "Auto" setting.

Work Song:

Author:  AzWhoFan [ May 17th, 2010, 10:36 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Work Song - Kevin Coleman Blues Band

Nice walking bass lines.
Who's the other lefty hiding behind the pole? :)

Author:  fivebass52 [ May 17th, 2010, 6:46 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Work Song - Kevin Coleman Blues Band

Thanks Az, and the other lefty is one of the producers on the show, who helped us get on the show. As always, it's good to know people in the right places! I made a comment during the show that this was probably the first time in Hawaii that a left handed bass and guitar player were on stage at the same time! It was good for some laughs from the crowd.

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