
stingray5 replacement pickup
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Author:  lefty68 [ May 28th, 2014, 11:36 am ]
Post subject:  stingray5 replacement pickup

Sadly i have to change my Stingray5 pickup
I'm planing to buy à Nordstrand mm5.3 to replace it
Any expériences/ feedback with this pickup?



Author:  Rodent [ May 28th, 2014, 12:43 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: stingray5 replacement pickup

I loved the 5.3 I had several years back, but didn't have a MM bass at the time to do any kind of volume/sonic comparison between the Nordy and the stock pickups.

Installation tips:

first you'll need to check the dimensions of your current pickup against the dimensions on the 5.3 to ensure it fits the overall cavity routing. then you'll want to ensure that you have the secondary routing for the third 'dummy' coil that sits below the to top coils. if you don't have the secondary lower cavity routing on your bass, you (or a tech) will need to route it prior to installing the pickup

Nordstrand supplies a wire lead color reference with the pickup so you know which coil and hot/ground for each color.

all the best,


Author:  lefty68 [ May 29th, 2014, 1:06 am ]
Post subject:  Re: stingray5 replacement pickup

Hi Rod,

I've checked for the dummy coil cavity,and it seem to be ok,it is already routed,i hope the dimension will match the Nordstrand pickup

You say that Nordstrand supplies a wire lead color,does that mean that they are not the same as the stock pickup ? :shock:

Well it seems that i will need some help soon ! :mrgreen:



Author:  lefty68 [ August 29th, 2014, 6:52 am ]
Post subject:  Re: stingray5 replacement pickup


Received and installed!! after i've painted the cover in white

it is really a direct replacement for stingray5 stock pickup with the same wires color

As usual great sound from Nordstrand ! ;)


Author:  Matt R. [ November 24th, 2014, 7:34 am ]
Post subject:  Re: stingray5 replacement pickup

Cool! Can you give us a comparison between the Nordy and the stock pickup?

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