
tool tip: wiring jigs
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Author:  Rodent [ March 11th, 2008, 5:46 pm ]
Post subject:  tool tip: wiring jigs

Sometime back I standardized on my control configuration to the point where I now have a standard hole pattern for my bodies, and a standard pre-amp set-up. In the process of wiring a few basses up it became obvious that it would be nifty to build a wiring stand that duplicated the body cavity arrangement, and allow me to fit everything together more consistently.

Here's the jig I've been using for some time now. As you can see in the side image, the jig face is about 30 degrees off parallel to my desk surface.



Using this makes it easy to pre-wire two or three basses in an evening, and then just drop the assembly in when the body is actually completed and ready


all the best,


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