
Carvin Audio is Over
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Author:  pjmuck [ October 15th, 2017, 12:31 am ]
Post subject:  Carvin Audio is Over

This is sad news. After 70 years in business, they're closing their San Diego factory and liquidating:

http://www.guitarworld.com/gear-news-am ... sets/31902

Author:  fivebass52 [ October 15th, 2017, 6:42 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Carvin Audio is Over

End of an era... I'm sure all of us at some point have owned Carvin, or still do, as I do. My first 5-string was an LB75, Maple neck-thru, with "Koa" wings - paid $733, with HD, way back in 1994-or-so; felt like a pro instrument in my hands! After that, I bought a 4x10 "redhead" cab, with their R-800 head (at least I think that is what it was called....) Had a Carvin 8-channel PA head (got stolen), have an old AG100 Guitar Combo PA amp (in storage); currently have the SB5000 5-string...

It's a shame in a way - they always built good quality gear, and instruments. It's also a shame their guitars just never maintained a resale value... Although they do live on under the Kiesel brand...

Author:  superheavydeathmetal [ October 15th, 2017, 7:24 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Carvin Audio is Over

Yeah. When I first heard a out this I went to the website and I about pulled the trigger on a BX250. It was only like $230. But I held off for a bit. By the time I came back later that evening (or maybe it was the next day) they had already sold out!

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