
Lefty Greco Violin bass Ebay
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Author:  jersey bluesdude [ March 24th, 2014, 10:29 am ]
Post subject:  Lefty Greco Violin bass Ebay

http://www.ebay.com/itm/GRECO-Paul-McCa ... _44wt_1026

Author:  Yolly111 [ March 24th, 2014, 1:15 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Lefty Greco Violin bass Ebay

I would avoid this auction like the plague...

Ad says lefty but picture is clearly right (unless mirror image picture) so I contacted the seller two days ago to inquire and no reply yet.

Plus, 0 feedback and 50% positive reviews? I did not even know this was possible...

I would say avoid...

Author:  Brett Zeppelin [ March 24th, 2014, 10:01 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Lefty Greco Violin bass Ebay

I hate being the guy who always picks on the pictures in auctions...but damn...This guy has stability issues. Even in their one and only previous auction (for which they received a negative feedback), the item features blurry pictures. WTF, man?! Give it at least a little effort.

Author:  Yolly111 [ March 29th, 2014, 12:00 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Lefty Greco Violin bass Ebay

Well, I finally got an answer, I'll let you judge:


"Hi, your title says left-hand, but the pictures shows a right-handed guitar?.. Can you please confirm dexterity? Thx"


"This guitar is a left-handed bass styled after Paul McCartney's left-handed bass? But you can believe what you want!"

I know I will pass...
Cheers to all!

Author:  Brett Zeppelin [ March 29th, 2014, 7:57 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Lefty Greco Violin bass Ebay

Yolly111 wrote:
Well, I finally got an answer, I'll let you judge:


"Hi, your title says left-hand, but the pictures shows a right-handed guitar?.. Can you please confirm dexterity? Thx"


"This guitar is a left-handed bass styled after Paul McCartney's left-handed bass? But you can believe what you want!"

I know I will pass...
Cheers to all!
Those basses aren't my thing anyway, but obviously this seller needs a little work. I am tempted to write him/her with the same question to see what they say. Surely they can't be that lame and not understand that their auction says it's a left-handed bass and then not know how to respond when someone asks about it — especially based on the images they took, which clearly illustrate a right-handed bass.

"Believe what you want!"

Author:  glefty5 [ April 8th, 2014, 10:53 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Lefty Greco Violin bass Ebay

I've never seen a Greco Beatle bass look like that, with all the extra bling on the body & the headstock shape. My guess it isn't a Greco, seller's a scammer.

Author:  Jeroen [ April 10th, 2014, 12:21 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Lefty Greco Violin bass Ebay

glefty5 wrote:
I've never seen a Greco Beatle bass look like that, with all the extra bling on the body & the headstock shape. My guess it isn't a Greco, seller's a scammer.


The top one looks much like the one in the auction, but without the extra inlays.
But I doubt this is indeed a lefty...

(interesting how the position of the bridge in the top two pics differs a LOT! I wonder which one is properly intonated :P )

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