
not one, oh no, but TWO Alembic Essence's
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Author:  AzWhoFan [ July 20th, 2010, 4:00 pm ]
Post subject:  not one, oh no, but TWO Alembic Essence's

One on the East coast http://cgi.ebay.com/Alembic-Essence-4-string-left-handed-bass-guitar-/180535501445?cmd=ViewItem&pt=Guitar&hash=item2a08c12285

And one on the West coast http://portland.craigslist.org/clc/msg/1846864767.html

Both are quilted maple tops, and they sure don't appear to be the same bass. How weird is that???????

When it rains it pours ......

Author:  thumbslam [ July 20th, 2010, 4:04 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: not one, oh no, but TWO Alembic Essence's

That 5 string is amazing..I bet it's smokin. What is the preamp he is refering to? I am not familiar with Alembic at all. They sound killer though.

Author:  johntheleftybassist [ July 20th, 2010, 4:31 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: not one, oh no, but TWO Alembic Essence's

The Alembic pre amp he's referring to is 1 of 2 rackmountable pre's that are just fantastic pieces of gear,i've owned 2 Alembics and I've plugged into the F1X and F2B pre's they are one of Alembic's original product lines and fall into the category of pre's that alot of us don't get into like the Demeter pre's or older SWR Grand Prix models.If you're into the preamp plus power amp combonation it'll really impress really a great deal if you could score both for around $2400 or so.

Author:  pjmuck [ July 20th, 2010, 7:08 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: not one, oh no, but TWO Alembic Essence's

Do you guys think that ebay 4 string essence is stock? Usually they came with only 3 knobs.

johntheleftybassist wrote:
The Alembic pre amp he's referring to is 1 of 2 rackmountable pre's that are just fantastic pieces of gear,i've owned 2 Alembics and I've plugged into the F1X and F2B pre's they are one of Alembic's original product lines and fall into the category of pre's that alot of us don't get into like the Demeter pre's or older SWR Grand Prix models.If you're into the preamp plus power amp combonation it'll really impress really a great deal if you could score both for around $2400 or so.

Regarding the preamps you mention, aren't these more or less rack mount units of the same sweepable filter preamps found on board the higher end Alembic basses?

Author:  andrew [ July 20th, 2010, 10:19 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: not one, oh no, but TWO Alembic Essence's

pjmuck wrote:
Regarding the preamps you mention, aren't these more or less rack mount units of the same sweepable filter preamps found on board the higher end Alembic basses?

No, the F-2B is a tube preamp, with the classic Fender amp tone stack. They sound great. I owned an F-1X and it's definitely on my list of gear I hope to get again.

Author:  AzWhoFan [ July 21st, 2010, 2:32 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: not one, oh no, but TWO Alembic Essence's

The F2B is also used by David Gilmour who has been know to run them directly into the power sections of his Hiwatt's - bypassing the Hiwatt pre's.

there's many discussion about these pre's on TB

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