
Curbow IEP 5 String, 1998, 33” scale, $3599
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Author:  NoXX [ August 23rd, 2021, 5:21 am ]
Post subject:  Curbow IEP 5 String, 1998, 33” scale, $3599

https://reverb.com/item/43488702-curbow ... t=43488702

I’ll admit to not knowing much about these, but the company seems to have a bit of a cool history… sadly the luthier passed away pretty young….and there are some very passionate fans on TB….

It’s described as a “petite bass” (IEP - International Exotic Petite) with what looks to me like a pretty wide looking neck at the heel for a 5’er, and the headstock is a tad puzzling. Looking at the righty versions, it looks like they did indeed go to the effort of making a lefty neck (the “bat-shaped” bit is reversed), but then they chose to paint the logo on as they would for a righty…. Be still my OCD…. (Especially for a bass in this price bracket)… :mrgreen:

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