
Kinal M105?
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Author:  pjmuck [ September 10th, 2019, 9:10 am ]
Post subject:  Kinal M105?

I've never played a Kinal but I've heard good things. This one's been on Reverb for a while and the price was just reduced. A search for a Kinal M105 on Google came up empty, so I'm wondering if the M105 is actually the serial # and not the model. At first glance I thought the neck PUP was sunk too far into the body, but there's a matching finish bass ramp mounted. I have no idea if this is all original or if anything's been swapped out/modified (I'm guessing the Basslines PUPs are not stock).


Author:  markcv [ September 14th, 2019, 11:29 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Kinal M105?

Mike Kinal has built me a couple of basses over the years. He’s a tremendous craftsman. That is an MK-B 24. So yes, M105 is the serial #. Those pickups are probably original as you can get whatever you want in a Kinal custom build. New, today, he’s looking for $2650 for the bass as a starting point. Wood choices will play a role, as will electronics, pickups, etc. so that price could go up. That being said, when it was new originally the price would’ve been lower.

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