
What would this be worth?
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Author:  Psycho Ward [ September 30th, 2018, 12:34 pm ]
Post subject:  What would this be worth?

This is a B-15R that was poorly stored and had to be restored. This included new speakers, tweeters, tubes and tube sockets. It sounds great but I figure the restoration hurts its value. I want to sell it but shipping would be astronomical. Thanks for any advice.

Author:  tim [ September 30th, 2018, 4:55 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: What would this be worth?

It's beautiful!!!

Ballpark for these seems to be $1,500 for anything functional, no matter how original or restored. Pretty much all of these from this era have been restored to some extent to remain functional, so I don't think the value suffers as much as it would for, say, a vintage guitar.

If I were to try to put bounds on that, I would say at least $1,400 US, but more than $2,000 might be a stretch.

This is only based on my watching the market for all-tube gear regularly (I have saved searches on eBay, Reverb, Craigslist, and Talk bass). That is my only expertise. Hopefully others can chime in also.

Author:  Psycho Ward [ September 30th, 2018, 6:14 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: What would this be worth?

This one is a newer one, a reissue. I do have a golden era 1966 B-18N.

Author:  tim [ September 30th, 2018, 7:08 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: What would this be worth?


Woops! Working from my phone, missed the "r", and when I read about the restoration, my mind inserted golden age.

I don't see many of those reissues at all, and maybe not any with that much work done. That's gonna be trickier to appraise, I'm afraid.

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