
IE Nimbus, Oxide, Sub-T; and Bearfoot BBBOD
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Author:  AzWhoFan [ March 19th, 2017, 10:02 pm ]
Post subject:  IE Nimbus, Oxide, Sub-T; and Bearfoot BBBOD

Hi guys, I'm thinning out the heard of pedals that don't see playing time anymore. All are in outstanding shape functionally and cosmetically with the exception of the BBBOD. It was purchased as a B stock blem from Bearfoot when they had a scratch and dent sale on over the holidays. I can provide pics for interested parties. I also have them posted with pics on TB, but I'll knock a few bucks off for my LB bro's. $170 ea. for the IE's and $115 for the BBBOD.



Author:  fivebass52 [ March 20th, 2017, 4:05 am ]
Post subject:  Re: IE Nimbus, Oxide, Sub-T; and Bearfoot BBBOD

AzWhoFan wrote:
Hi guys, I'm thinning out the "heard"...

Interesting typo, 'cause soon, you hope, they will no longer be "heard", by you! :)

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