
Lindy Fralin Split Coil SCPB type pickup
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Author:  Matt R. [ July 30th, 2021, 7:37 am ]
Post subject:  Lindy Fralin Split Coil SCPB type pickup

Just letting this pickup go that I used on my Warmoth Single Coil PBass build. It’s a killer sounding pickup, and with the split coil it comes closer to sounding like the current PBass pickup design.
Sounds great, and has no real gig time on it. 10% overwind. Practically new condition.
I just opted for an Aguilar pickup which is an actual single coil. I paid almost $200 for this.

Asking $100 shipped in the CONUS only.



Author:  Matt R. [ August 8th, 2021, 6:52 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Lindy Fralin Split Coil SCPB type pickup


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